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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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T he Moon

Special Moons

Moon Dates 2009:

Cold moon      11January 2009         Quickening moon     09 February 2009           Storm moon              11 March 2009

Wind moon     09 April 2009                Flower moon            09 May 2009                    Strong Sun moon     07 June 2009

Blessing moon      07 July 2009          Corn moon               06 August 2009                Harvest moon            04 September 2009

Blood moon         04 October 2009   Mourning moon       02 November 2009         Long Nights moon    02 December 2009

A Blue Moon is on December 31st 2009

The way that the dates are worked out is very easy, the date is the date of the first full moon of each month. I say the first full moon because in some months there are either Two Full Moons { the second one being called a Blue moon } or Two New Moons { the second New Moon being known as a Black Moon }

read on for more information about the various moons.

Enjoy & Blessed Be Stormwalker & Deenagh.