Strong Sun Moon: June
The full moon of June rises in an Eastern sky still bright with a Strong Western Sun. Under this moon we celebrate the Gods apex og strength with dance and song, aware that after the Solstice , his power will begin to wane, and it is the Goddess { metaphorically pregnant with the Autumn Harvest } who will dominate our lunar rites for the remainder of the year. Acknowledge this time of lunar / solar balance by gathering an object sacred to each.
Take the solar object and place it in the ground as the sun enters the West. Facing East, give an offering of an object sacred to the moon as she rises to rule the night once again.
Blessing Moon: July
The moon illuminating the July night sky reassures us the ever moving cycle of life, is moving just as it should be. No matter how dark or uncertain the night, we can go to a window and see a pale yellow light falling across the landscape. Mother Earth is still gestating the harvest, and as with any mother-to-be , we can not count on a successful birth until it has happened and we can hold it in our hearts and hands.
Under the blazing moon, pause to tally up your own blessings, the ones that you currently have and the ones you are hope to have in the near future. Write them down and allow the paper to be out all night under the moon, be careful that NOT 1 ray of sunlight touches your list. The sun represents the self you show the rest of the world, where as the moon represents the inner you ( the True you ) . These are your private yearnings, and all good weavers of wishes know that keeping silent about your hearts desire, is the quickest way of bringing them to manifestation.
Corn Moon: August
The grains are being harvested and processed inside the sacred thrashing house when the joyous Corn Moon