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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Wind Moon:The wind or seed moon of April is a moon-drenched ritual foreplay. Capricious spring winds dance their fertility rite, scattering seeds that root miles from their birth place. With the randy Sabbat of Beltane close on our heels, we easily imagine the young goddess and god awakening to the power and excitement of their impending divine marriage - a sexual union allowing life to flourish for another year.

Picture these two bewitching naked bodied beings laying together in a woodland grotto, hands and lips exploring new possibilities of pleasure and creation, both gifts they have given to us. Sadly many muggals have deemed this gift perverse, shunned except for the necessity of procreation……….. Or is that pro-creation? We can not ( nor should we ) deny the innate attraction of two halves of a whole finding and uniting with one another. We are cast in the image of our deities , and under the wind moon we find ourselves in tune with the newborn Earth and awaken with her to the many things we can create when we meet our other half.

Flower Moon:  April showers bring may flowers. In Europe and north America, pagans dance beneath the moon and celebrate the marriage of our god and goddess.

The earth has reawakened in her full beauty with flowers bursting up from beneath our feet, tempting us to find our mates with their gentle blend of exotic scents. Freed from the confinements of winter, the erotic allure of the smell of rich earth and new growth has always tempted lovers to mate near soft spring grass and rows of floral beauty.


