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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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Yoga should ONLY be Undertaken by a Physically healthy and mentally Stable person. If in doubt see your Doctor or Health professional for Diagnosis and / or Prescription.

WE DO NOT give any Medical advice, but what is written here is for Educational use ONLY. All information in the Alternative Belief Section is ONLY FOR Reference & Education. Some parts have been missed out because of the need for a teacher durring those stages.

ALL OF US here at CAN NOT & WILL NOT be held Responsible for Any Damage the Information may cause to the Body and / or Mind.

Yoga means - To Yoke - to Unite with the source of our inner self which is the source of pure Awareness.

Who does Yoga?

Because of its wide range, Yoga trully is for Everyone, as long as you have a Yoga Master teaching and that you GP states that you are healthy enough. whether you are seeking the Ultimate answers to some of the difficult Questions that are out there or just more control over your own health Yoga really does have something to offer. Hatha Yogas exercises may not be suitable to everyone because of Old Age, Disease or any number of other reasons. Yoga is versatile enough for every type and standard of  human fraility. Even though most associate yoga with twisting the body into unnatural positions, the truth is that perfection in Yoga can be achieved just sitting in a chair or laying on a bed.


On the next page We will be covering the Eight steps of Hatha, Radja & Ashtanga Yoga.



