Welcome to
Deenagh's Majikal Garden
This section of our website is solely my responsibility so you will find all sorts of information, but basically I will be sharing my views and hopefully learning too from your opinions. That's the wonderful thing about Wicca - we all bring to it what works for us and it is continually changing in our world that is ever evolving. So what started out as a section on gardening and herblore has evolved and grown, just as I have grown spiritually too.
The Majikal Garden is not a literal garden but that sacred space within that gives birth to new ideas, nurtures and allows these ideas to blossom, discovers new things along the way and allows projects to be set aside when completed to make way for more new ideas. So Deenagh's Majikical Garden is a place of birth, death and rebirth, just as Gaia is.
In Deenagh's New Moon Newsletter (click to view) there is a real mix and match. I will be recording some of my own writings from my Book of Shadows and putting out articles for discussions and debate, so please email your comments to:
As a hedgewitch and working alone, it can be difficult at times, because you generally don't have anyone to share ideas with, although I am very lucky to have my husband Stormwalker who encourages me but even he could do with a rest from all my rantings! So just to have another persons views and suggestions on how a particular idea can be developed, and to talk things through and share ideas which can bring its own revelations, would benefit us all on our spiritual journey. |