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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Welcome to the Crystals part of the Alternative Beliefs Section, " What has crystals got to do with Alternative BeliefsI hear you ask, well my friends the answer is quite simple really.

There are many people out there who use & believe in crystals so much that their entire life revolves around them, so that, is why they are included in this section.


There are several aspects of crystals that have been covered in many, many books, so here in this section I am only going to cover the Basics and I will be choosing crystals that I am Familiar with and working through the alphabet from A-Z.

Crystals have been used for Healing, Guiding, Drinks, Majik. They have power that people sense and so you will find then as part of everyday wear, ie, Rings, Ear-rings, Necklasses, They are both given and received as presents from friends & family. They are used for scrying, for seeing into the future in the same way as Tarot cards are, They are used to detect Illnesses, or pain, and are used in all sorts of healing throughout the world.




