Welcome to the 3rd edition of the New Moon News, and as you may be aware from Stormwalker's latest news, we are moving to Ireland, hopefully by the end of June which may coincide with our 1st Handfasting Anniversary and a wonderful new start for us both. Unfortunately, it means leaving behind our gardens which are thriving with life (vegetables, herbs, shrubs, etc) and our Elemental Sacred Space and Triple Goddess Sacred Space. This fills me with both sadness at leaving this life and excitement at the prospect of nurturing new life in our new home. After much soul searching, I have decided to leave everything in our gardens behind with the exception of Feverfew which we don't think is natvie to Ireland. I believe it is the right thing to do, because it would be selfish of me to uproot the life and leave our gardens here barren. The universe has given me the opportunity of cultivating new life in our new home. I am looking forward to this move very much, and I know that wherever I am with my husband and our dogs, I will be happy, and with the love and guidance of our Goddesses and Gods, we will make this house our home. |