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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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Update on My Gardening Exploits

Everything in our gardens are flourishing at the minute, as you can see from the picture right. The potato plot is doing so well although in the dry weather they needed watering, but appreciated it so much. I've been keeping a close eye for flowers on the potato plant as we may get to taste them before leaving. If not, our neighbour Tom is in for a great harvest from our garden as well as his own. The rosemary cutting took root and I planted it in our herb garden. The onion sets are growing nicely, and carrots, lettuce and spring onions are growing up strong and healthy. The 3 rows of peas are doing well too, growing nice and strong. We should definitely be able to eat some of our lettuce as the rain we've been having lately is helping it grow quickly. The Triple Goddess Sacred Space in the front garden is doing great too, all 3 plants have become closely acquainted and seem to be enjoying themselves. It's going to be a sad day when I say goodbye to them all.

Gardening Tip

Sow carrot seeds next to onion sets to keep away carrot fly

Pagan Federation Conference

On Saturday 24th May, 2008, myself and my husband Stormwalker left our home at 8.30am and drove to Edinburgh for the Pagan Federation Conference. We arrived just after 9.30am and to my delight, the first person we met as we parked the car was Maggie, a good friend of our's. It was great seeing her again and after big hugs we went inside for a programme of the day's events. I have to admit I did not think alot of the talks but the stalls had some lovely Wiccan stuff and we bought some gifts. It was a memorable day and our thanks to Maggie for making it special.