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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Coral  Coral is formed from the skeletal remains of colonies of small sea animals & polyps. In Majik coral heightens awareness of the needs of others. It helps us to understand how ALL Life is connected & it aids in protecting us from harm. In Healing it is said to strenghen the Heart, circulation and bones. It balances and steadies emotions, it boosts fertility & our drive to satisfy desires.
Diamond  Diamond has always been associated with courage, Purity and Invincibility. It is considered strong enough ( so long as the diamond is flawless ) to drive away evil & bring good fortune. In Majik the diamond enables us to withstand adversity, signifies honour and pure intention as well as invincible strength. In Healing it rebalances the skull, jaw & spine, acts as a Powerful Detoxifier ( should use 2-3 other calming crystals to calm its potentially harmful strength ). Diamond removes negativity and emotional blocks, transforms mundane sluggish thought processes into, broader, universal View. It gives strong support to Meditations and spiritual ventures.
Diopside  This crystals main colour ranges from Black, Dark Green and into all other forms of green. It stimulates a new cycle of growth and healing from deep within the body. It can [ if used properly ] reverse negative, emotional and mental states. In Majik it reveals hidden things. Represents the power of the Dark Mother and is associated with unconscious magik. In Healing it releases deeply hidden & stubborn stress. It is an energy restorative as well as enabling us to see the best in things and it increases the sense of self-worth.
Dioptase Its main colour is deep Blue-Green. This intense green colour stimulates all levels of the Mind, Body and Soul. Particularly enhancing subtle perceptions and Psychic abilities. In majik it stimulates change and growth. In healing it nourishes the heart chakra, clears away outworn behaviour patterns and brings clear vision and penetrating insight. when used in its cleaning function, it is best to use in small doses because of its rapid cleansing action.
Dumortierite  This crystals colour varies from Light-blue - Dark-blue - Violet, and usually has dark speckles with pink and brown areas. This crystal does not melt and is used to line the bottom of Industrial Furnaces. In majik it is used to resolve opposing points of view. In healing it slows down aggravated & irritated energies, cultivates patience and creates detachment, therefore allowing a person to maintan their equilibrium. It helps to communication in all areas.