Welcome to the Meditation section of our website. From here you will go to ( by clicking the next button ) the contents page. This page will have the different meditations that we, Deenagh & Stormwalker, have used at various times in our lives. Some have been given to us by friends and others we've found in some of the most unlikely place, and yet others we have made up ourselves. I will try to let you know where they came from and a little of their history with us. All the meditations will be covered by the following Licence please read the licence so that you know what you can and; cannot do.
We Hope you like what you read and that some may be useful to you, if you would like to submit a meditation for this section of the site, then please go to the contacts page and using one oe the e-mail addresses there, e-mail us your meditation. Please also include some details about how and why you use it, where it came from. Is it your own work? or did a friend give it to you? Anyway enough from us
We hope you have fun and possibly let us know how things went.
Blessed be
Stormwalker & Deenagh |