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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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     The Ancestor will invite you, after some time, to walk through the forest and you will step from the tree, leaving your human body safe & at one with the oak. The Ancestor walks deeper into the forest and the star stays bright & constant in the sky, for this is the Pole Star around which all others rotate. It is a reassuring talisman.

     You may become aware of forest animals nearby, maybe catching a glimpse of a Stoat, a Fox or a Hare. An Adder may rustle underfoot. Soon you will become aware of an Archer moving stealthily through the trees, almost hidden from view in the thickly entwined leaves. Without hesitation, she notches an arrow to the string and looses it high into the air. You may aware of the sensation of travelling with the arrow, feeling the rush & seeing the forest below. You may watch the arrow arc through the sky and yet be connected to its flight as you watch it return to Earth. The Archer smiles at you. She may offer you an arrow as a gift of luck for your journey.









Then you will notice, not far away, the Antlered figure that has been watching you. Justice will stand unmoving and serene. No words will be spoken, there is no need. Only personal secret acknowledgement is required.

Now it's time to wonder on and soon within a small lush verdant copse, you come across the Lovers. Their warmth is all-pervasive and their emotional magnetism sets your heart glowing. Their very bodies are alive with energy, harmony and fertility. You may recognise either or both of the lovers, or you may feel something familiar & profound pass between you. But their joy is unbounded and secure and your soul will be warmed in their presence.