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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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Samhain is the time of introspective work and of transformation.

It is also the time to both remember and show respect ( Honour ) those who have gone before us to the Land of the Dead. The Veil is thinnest between worlds ( and Not only the world of Spirit ). We call upon the spirits of the dead to come and visit family & friends once more, and to Feast with us at this feast of the Dead { be mindful to set an extra place at the meal table }. It is a time to call upon our Ancestors and to seek ancient wisdom. It is a time of Endings and of Beginnings, as Samhainis the Celtic new years eve festival. We give up the past and look to the future, this is also one of the best times for Scrying.

Samhain is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of another. It is a good time for  Banishings and for finishing [ sort out ] any unfinished work or business or projects. We look back at what we have learned, it is also the time to face our Shadow, the dark half of ourselves. We all have a dark side which we need to acknowledge, as it is an equal part of us.

Nothing wild blooms; yet the natural colours of Nature are warm and rich. Majik mushrooms grow to help us explore other realms ( worlds ) and make the veil even thinner.

Remember that Samhain IS a Harvest Festival, but a harvest of the flesh. The livestock would be slaughtered at this time to provide meat throughout the cold winter months. It is Wonderful that this season seams very Mystical, when the mist rolls in thick and fast, the wind blows, sometimes soft and yet at other times with almost supernatural force, and old Jack Frost etches his patterns & drawings upon our window panes.


