


Welcome to




The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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We Are Pagans

My wife and I are one,                                 With the land of our birth.                              And finally we are coming home,                    Our souls to be free.

We've missed the land of our ancestors,       The Lady and the Lord.                            Whom are King and Queen in Mays own song, We're returning home again.

We are proud of what and who we are,         Closer to nature is all.                                  Living & laughing & dying,                            By natures own ancient laws.

We are the Pagans,                                         Who were driven from our homes.                  And in our children's, children's, children,      We come home; Free once again.

ÓAllan Jackson 16-05-2008


Come on people there must be some budding poets out there. If there are any budding poets and you would like to have a poem published here, then this is all you have to do:

  • Send us a copy of your poem,
  • we will ( if possible ) print it here,
  • We will also licence it for you so that others may copy it but have to give you full credit and they Can NOT change it in any way, shape or form.

So come on folks what have you got to loose, join us here as we are hoping that the poetry section will become a life force of its own. You work can be about anything, it does not have to be just Pagan orientated.

Wherever you see this sign  it means that the poem comes under license. We keep records of all poems and the date they were licensed,in case there are any disputes over the work. We can then prove it is yours.