


Welcome to




The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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Welcome to the members page, from here you can log onto areas of the site that are unavailable to the public. This has been done because of our sence of Responsibility by not allowing those who are underage from viewing things that if used by undisiplined minds could cause trouble such as spells, rituals etc. If you are under 18 years old, please do not go any further, We WILL find out.

If you are 18 or above ....Come on in.

The rituals that can be accessed by members of the public are none dangerous and can be performed by anyone but as we are all aware, there are some people out there that would use any form of ritualistic information or casting information for either their own ' evil ' use and not follow the rule of " Do as ye will and harm ye none " which is one of the most important rules or Moral Codes that we ( as a belief system ) have. It is not only up to those who are heads of their system, but it is up to ALL of us to report those that misuse their position or energies to cause harm to others or themselves, or cause others to harm on their behalf. Anyway enough of the rule pushing, this site is above all a way to find out information, to have fun and maybe even to learn. At some stage in the future we will have a chat area attached so that you can make New Friends and have a good time.              Take care everyone

Blessed Be 





