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Now that the facts and figures have been taken care of we can carry on.

The Moon has a special place in almost every culture on Earth, from the Cave Men & Women to the People of Earth 2009.

In some cultures the Moon is worshiped as a force for good and in others as a force for evil. I guess it just depends in which hemisphere you were born in and what your beliefs are. For now though we will be just dealing with the Ancient Celtic people (of Ireland and Scotland) and the Ancient Britons.


The Moon is closely connected with the Goddess in her triple aspect as Maiden, Mother, Crone. This is often depicted as the symbol above.

The First Phase: The moon is Waxing or Growing, this is the Goddess in her Maiden form, Young, impetuous but growing in Knowledge and Understanding. In Earth years it would account for the years 0-29.

The Second Phase: The moon is Full (lasts for about three days). This is the Goddess in her Mother form,

She is pregnant and has all the instincts & feelings than any mother has. She is less quick to just Jump into situations, she tries to see & understand a situation from all angles before making her choice. In Earth years this would account for the years 30-59.The Third Phase: The moon is in its Waning phase or the visible moon is getting thinner and thinner as it approaches the New or Dark Moon. This is the Goddess in her Crone phase, The Old Wizen Woman, The Grand Mother Figure. She is very knowledgeable in all things (having lived through life).

To me, It is a real PITY that most of Earths peoples have forgotten this and often depict the Crone as an evil; hooked nose; humped-back (or bent over) woman, made to Scare little children with tales of witchcraft and witches etc. It’s a real pity that this seems to be the case world wide. With the Goddess in her Crone phase she is at her most knowledgeable.

In our modern society the older people seem to be ignored, spat upon, mugged and treated like third or even forth class citizens. They are the knowledge bearers , having amassed a life time of knowledge. If only we could stop and talk to our Crones, we would (maybe) learn the lessons that they have learnt, and thus make our world a better, happier place to live as we would NOT be repeating their generations mistakes again and again. In Earth years it would be 60-90+.