1st February ( also known as Bride )
The festival of Imbolc / Bride is celebrated around the 1st / 2nd of February by both Pagans & Christians ( who call it candle mass, just to try to separate it from the fact that they are celebrating a Pagan festival ).
Imbolc is Irish Gaelic for " In the Belly or Ewe’s Milk " and it represents the speeding up of Light & Life. It’s the first stirring of spring and the first flowers { Snowdrops & White Aconite } are beginning to appear. Dormant seeds now start to stir with life, as yet unseen. At Imbolc we celebrate the waking of the Soul, our spirits soar & quicken as it senses the coming of Spring. The rebirth of Nature as well as this being the Traditional time for Initiations.
We welcome, at Imbolc, the Goddess renewed, reborn as the Flower maiden, she has passed through Her other two phases [ Mother & Crone ] to be reborn as the Maiden. She is the Closed Circle, returning to The Beginning and starting a New Cycle. Bride, Brigit is the name for the Three Fold Goddess of the Celts who became " christianised " into St Brigit.
Again an attempt by christianity to wipe out our ancient beliefs and replace them with their own, ( In who’s Eyes, I being a Shaman , am deemed a Demon and will go to their Hell ). |