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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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The Egg is symbolic of rebirth, the yolk represents the Sun, the White represents the Goddess. So Eggs maybe Used in the creation of Talismans or Ritually Eaten.

This is a time of Growth and Balance, a time to readdress the balance within ourselves and put the balance to Rights. This is a time to re-charge our Chakras, we should acknowledge our opposite sexual nature within Ourselves and bring both our Male & Female sides together in perfect balance. This is the time when Spring Returns and everywhere Life is bursting from its Hibernation and blooming. Again It is a time of balance when all energies are balanced, a New Beginning can take place.

The Prince of the Sun stretches forth and Kore ( The maiden ) , returns from the dark Underworld. Where the Prince & maiden dance, they leave a trail of Flowers, Sorrow turns to Joy and Scarcity to abundance.

Other Names:                 Ostara, Ostre, Mean Erraigh, Alban Eiler, Pasch, Caisg, Pesse.

Date:                              21st or 22nd March

Meaning of the Word:    Germanic Dawn Deity meaning " the month of Beginnings or Month of Opening."

Main Ritual Focus:         Fertility, Ceremonies at Sunrise, Offerings to the Goddess of Spring.

Age of Holiday:              3000 B.C.   or Older

Popular Mythos:            The Return of the Goddess from the Underworld.

Astrological Sign:         10 Aries

Planetary Ruler:           Mars


