In many Mayday festivals a May King & Queen are elected. Unfortunately in many Non-Pagan Mayday festivals the May Queen ONLY is elected missing out the May King altogether. This in turn creates Unbalance and all the things that these unbalanced festivals hope to create ............Fails.
The May King is the GreenMan and should be mostly covered in green leaves.
The mating of the Green Man with the Goddess ( may queen ) is a majikal act and is often considered necessary for the Fertility of the Earth. Because Beltaine is a time of Fertility, it is one of the Favourite times for Pagans to get Handfasted ( married ).
The Hawthorn Tree ( known as the May Tree ) blooms at this time of year and we are also In the Celtic Hawthorn Month.
The blossoms can be gathered and a delicious wine made from then, which can be drunk at the next Beltaine festivities.Celebrate Beltaine by taking pleasure in ALL Life and enjoying the Gifts of the Goddess. |