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                                                               Summer Solstice 21st June


At Lithia - the Summer Solstice, the Sun is at its Highest and Brightest as well as being the Longest Day of the Year. The Oak King { Lord of Light } has battled the Holly King ( Lord of Darkness ) and emerged Victorious , ensuring the Fertility of the Land. In doing so he has sown the seeds of his Own Destruction.

The Wheel of the Year turns, as dos the Great Cycle, and the Holly Kings Power begins to Wax as the Oak Kings Power begins to Wane. The Goddess dances her dance of Life and Death, she is Fertile as is the Land and reaches out to the Oak King at the height of his Fertilizing Power. She then presides over his Death, knowing he loves her and Dies of his Love for her.




The Summer Solstice is a time of the fulfilment of Love. Flowers everywhere are in full bloom and once they reach Maturity , they are Fertilized, then they Die so that their seeds and fruit may develop Summer fruits appear for such a short season, a brief but Wonderful season..According to statistics June is the LUCKIEST Month to get Handfasted ( Married ). It is also the time of the Mead Moon or Honeymoon. Tradition states that a newly Handfasted Couple should each drink a glass of Mead everyday for a period of One Month from the date that hey they were Handfasted. This is done to bring Longevity and Happiness to the couple.

THIS IS where the Term HONEYMOON comes from and it is NOT as most think a christian, Catholic concept , in exactly the same way as TYING THE KNOT is a Pagan concept which Is used by the church as way of christianising Pagan ceremonies in order to destroy our Beliefs and make ALL Pagans ( Heathens ) into followers of the christian ways.