Be mindful that these Ceremonies may NOT work for you although they do for Us. Feel free to change any part of the ceremony ( Not on the ACTUAL Web Site ) so that it does work for you. All we ask is that if
you use anything from our site on yours, that you credit us and put a link for our site on yours.
Many thanks and Blessed Be.
Stormwalker & Deenagh
Powdered Oak Bark - For Divination and Seeing.
Powdered Holly - Sacred to the Winter Solstice.
Powdered Mistletoe - Protection and sacred to the Winter Solstice.
Wormwood - Divinity, Scrying and Prophecy.
Frankincense - A Resin and Binding Agent.
All these Incenses can be used as one or as individual or combinations.
I.e. Frankincense + Oak Bark + Wormwood , this combination can be used just for Divining & Seeing.