The Autumn Equinox
21st or 22nd September
Ceremony By Deenagh © 2006
Open the circle or sacred spot in the usual way
Now face East and holding your arms open in a gesture of Welcome Say: " At this time of Modron
When Day equals Night, And the Power of Darkness, Wins the Fight, Mighty Gaia we thank you, For your bounty Plentiful and True, Sun God we thank you, For your energy and Power too, For the God of the Underworld, Now your time has come, For the Moon Goddess, Who now rules as Crone, Let us Celebrate. Blessed Be ".
Now do any other workings that you need to do. Things you may wish to incorporate, Perform your Ritual in a Harvested Field. Make a Corn Dolly, have a loaf to eat after the ceremony. Have some homemade fruit wine.
Close your circle / sacred space in the usual way. Have some food and wine to ground yourself again.