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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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1st MAY

( Ceremony by Deenagh © 2006 )

Open your circle in the usual way ( or use the Basic Circle at the start of the ceremonies page )Now using your Beesom { see the Tools section } sweep all Negativity away from your circle, sweeping it from the centre outwards. Place the Beesom to one side of your circle, this can now be Raised or Lowered to allow others Entrance into your sacred space if you want them to come in.Now bring to mind that Beltane is a Fire Festival and a Fertility Festival. Also bear in mind that this is a time of Union between the Goddess and the God which in turn allows the creation of life.

Now turn East and say:"Higher Beings of the East, The air of Thought and Inspiration, With your Breath of Life, make Fertile ".

Now turn South and say:"Higher Beings of the South, The Fire of Passion and Creativity.With your Courage and Strength , make Fertile ".

Now turn West and say:"Higher Beings of the West,The Water of Nourishment and Balanced emotions, With your depths of Imagination, make Fertile ".



