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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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 Remember also that the EGG is the Symbol of Life.

Now using the same ceremony as for the plants, do one for three eggs, 1 for Health, 1 for Spiritual & Physical Wealth and 1 for Prosperity. Once the ceremony is completed keep these Eggs on your Altar until you feel they have completed their task. Finally it is time to replace any Majikal Items that you have run out of, again using the same ceremony as for the Plants, do the same again for any Items you are replacing. Remember that when asked for a name , use the name that you have already called any Implements, if herbs or the such, their name will be the name of the herbs themselves. If you are working indoors, now go outside into your Garden and call upon the Four Quarters to Bless and help grow well and strong ALL Plants that have been planted by you or someone appointed by you.

When all is done, close the circle being mindful to thank the Ancestors, Gods & Goddesses for their aid. Now have some wine and cake to re-ground yourself in this realm. The Plant gifts can be set aside and given as and when you are able to.Other Names: Ostara, Ostre,Mean Earraigh, Alban Eiler, Pasch, Caisg, Pesse.

Date: March 20th or 21st depending on the calendar used.

Meaning of the Word: Germanic Dawn Deity meaning " Month of Openings "

Ritual Focus: Fertility, Growth, Dawn Ceremonies, Offerings to the Goddess of Spring.

Age of Holiday: Approximately 3000 BC

Mythos: return of the Goddess from the Underworld.

Astrological Sign: 1 degree Aries

Planetary Ruler:  Mars.


