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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Place a piece of holly bush on your altar for the Yule celebration, in keeping with Pagan tradition. After the celebration, before dismissing the Quarters and taking down the Circle, write down a wish or wishes on pieces of parchment paper and tie them to the holly bush branches on your altar. You can write down as few or many wishes as you desire. However try to keep it simple. Bury the holly bush limb with your wishes attached to it during the next full moon, giving thanks to the Lord and Lady, to assure that your wishes will be realized during the coming year.

At sunset place a bayberry candle or two on your dining table and light them. Allow the bayberry candles to burn themselves out to ensure wealth and happiness throughout the following year. Plus you can set another pair upon the altar and lighted at the beginning of the Yule ceremony. Not only do they smell pleasant, but are also another part of the Pagan Yule tradition.      


Yule Ceremony

This ceremony is based upon having a log from outside, dried, blessed & consecrated. Three holes ( large enough for a Tea-Light in each hole ) drilled in it at the Beginning, Middle & End.

Open your circle in the usual way, call upon the quarters in the way that Feels right for you. Ask the Goddess and God for their Protection & Blessings,

Now turn East and light the first Yule log candle Saying : " Blessings upon all, At this time of year. May the cycle that follows, Be full of good cheer ".

Imagine the flame sending love & happiness out to all who deserve it and then coming back to you

3 times stronger.



