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BIRCH - SWEET. Betula lenta. This Yellow Birch is TOXIC and should not be used on the skin. One could substitute the man-made Wintergreen, Methyl salicylate. Used by the Paranormalist for concentration, focus and protection by clearing away unwanted energies away from your environment. (Also known as Betula capinefolia, Cherry Birch, Mahogany Birch, Mountain Mahogany, Southern Birch.)

BLACK PEPPER. Piper nigrum. The oil has rubefacient properties to stimulate blood flow and increase circulation. The oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic but irritant with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use in moderation for aches and pains, anaemia, aphrodisiac, arthritis, assertiveness, catarrh, chilblains, concentration, loss of appetite, nausea, neuralgia, poor circulation, rheumatic pain, self confidence, self-image, sprains, stiffness, viruses. (Also known as Pepper, Piper.) Used in Angel Therapy to stimulate the Sixth Chakra (third eye) for intuition, clarity of vision, discernment and clairvoyance - and also to stimulate the Third Chakra (solar plexus) for confidence, courage, power, self-esteem, achievement, emotional stability, and heightened awareness to one's surroundings and also to stimulate the Fifth Chakra (throat) for spontaneity, communication, expression, and for speaking and hearing the truth, and for clairaudience.

BLACKCURRANT BUD ABSOLUTE. Ribes nigrum. Has surprisingly good anti-inflammatory properties. The absolute oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use for anorexia, bladder inflammation, bone inflammation, colds, corns, cough, depression, eczema, high blood pressure, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis. Smells strongly of blackcurrants.

BOLDO LEAF. Peumus boldos. TOXIC due to ascaridole which produces convulsions in even very small doses. The essential oil is not recommended for use in Aromatherapy. (Also known as Boldo boldus, Boldoa fragrans, Boldu. Boldus.)


