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CARROT SEED. Daucus carota. This is the essential oil. It is NOT EDIBLE carrot fibre oil. Do not drink this oil. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use for anorexia, arthritis, burns, dermatitis, detoxifying, eczema, glandular problems, liver congestion, mature complexion, PMT relief, psoriasis, rashes, revitalising, scars, toner, wrinkles. (Also known as Bird's Nest, Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Carrot.) Used in Angel Therapy to stimulate the Sixth Chakra (third eye) for intuition, clarity of vision, discernment and clairvoyance - and also to stimulate the Second Chakra (sacral) for sensuality, possession,creativity, intimacy and clairsentience.

CASCARILLA BARK. Croton eluteria. Very useful for stubborn respiratory problems, though little used because of its high cost. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Probably narcotic in large doses. Use in moderation for bronchitis, coughs, dyspepsia, flatulence, 'flu, nausea. (Also known as Aromatic Quinquina, Bahama Cascarilla, Cascarilla, False Quinquina, Sweet Bark, Sweetwood Bark.)

CASSIA. Cinnamomum cassia. TOXIC The essential oil is not recommended for use in Aromatherapy. It is used to kill germs. (Also known as Cassia Cinnamon, Cassia Lignea, Cinnamomum aromaticum, Chinese Cinnamon, Laurus cassia.)

CASSIE. Acacia farnesiana. Closely related to Mimosa (Acacia dealbata) but a different woody aroma. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use in moderation for depression, dry sensitive skin, fear, frigidity, incense, lifts the spirits, nervous xhaustion, perfume, stress related conditions. (Also known as Cassia ancienne, Huisache, Opopanax, Popinac, Sweet Acacia.) Not to be confused with Opopanax (Commiphora erythraea).


