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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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Our early ancestors discovered that plants that grew in their environment held powers they considered to be majikical because these herbs could help heal wounds, ease chesty coughs, sooth sore throats and aid sleep. Many of these herbs continue to be used in medicine and are also used to add flavour to food, as well as having other uses such as cosmetics and aromatherapy. Therefore, by growing herbs in your garden, you are giving back to Gaia her gifts, and honouring her in using these herbs, ensuring their continuation. In growing and caring for thses herbs, you are encouraging them to be the best they can, nurturing their purpose and helping them to give back to Gaia, who is their Earth Mother too. In this way, we can help each other and by helping each other we all benefit because we are all interconnected and at our core is our Earth Mother Gaia.

Before planting your herb garden, consider your environment and the plants that are natvie to your area. Here in the Northern Hemishere in Ireland, herbs such as rosemary, sage, lavendar, thyme, mint, parsley and lemon balm all grow well and all of these are periennial herbs, so once planted can yield many years, with the exception of parsley which is typically biennial. Having decided what to plant, get to know your herbs by finding out what powers they hold, their medicinal and culinary uses, and any other ways in which you can work with them, for example a rosemary wash makes a great hair rinse after washing for dark hair (3 sprigs of rosemary soaked in 2 litres of boiling water for 20 minutes before straining). Once you open yourself to the possibilities of herbs, you will learn so much about how they can enhance your life and enrich you spiritually, and the joy they are to work with, asking of so little yet giving of so much.


The concept of the Majikical Garden is not just about your garden but can emcompass your home and how you live indoors. Representations of the Goddess and God can be placed in your house and an altar can become the focus of your dedication, where you can place symbols of the elements such as incense for air, candles for fire, a chalice for water and crystals for earth, all placed in the correct directional points. The walls in your rooms can be decorated with pictures that symbolise the Goddess and the God, either individually or in union. The pentagram is a universal symbol that is representative of the elements and so one can be made to be dedicated to the elements of air, fire, water and earth, and this doubles as a powerful tool of protection.




