I have been working on Deenagh's Guide to Crystal Lore which I started writing in October 2008 and having completed writing the course, I undertook to study the course over it's duration of 7 Moon Months. As a student of the course, I wanted to view the course from an unbiased point of view in order to give an honest appriasal of the course and here goes. I enjoyed the first chapter which asks you to think about our earth in term of it's place in our solar system and galaxy within the universe. For me it was easy to understand our Earth spirit Gaia because that is part of the Wiccan belief, but the course asks you to take that leap of faith which helps you to understand crystals as having their own spirits. The course stresses on several occassion to use your intuition to find what crystals mean to each individual, which leads to a better understanding of how your crystals wish to be used, thereby developing a deep relationship between the individual and their crystals. I enjoyed the chapter on Self Awareness which is helping you and your soul to work as one.
I got alot out of studying the Crysal Lore course and it is available for anyone wishing to study it by simply sending me an email requesting a copy which I will send free of charge. All I ask for is an appraisal of the course which will help with up and coming Deenagh's Guide to Courses, the next one which I will be working on is Deenagh's Guide to Herbal Lore, so watch out for it over the coming months.
Contact Details: Deenaghsguideto@thepentagrambox.org.uk |