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Azurite  The Decision Maker.  this deep blue stone assists the flow of energy through the nervous system, helping the body utilise its Oxygen, strengthening the Blood. A powerful assistance to Meditation. It cuts through Illusion and Enhances dormant abilities allowing greater Mental Control, making decision-making easier. Inspires Creativity, Intuition and bodily well-being.
Bloodstone  As this name suggests, this variety of Chalcedony is good for the Blood. This stone toughens and oxygenating the bloodstream, helping enhance physical and mental vitality. The Heart, Spleen, Bone Marrow and Iron Deficiencies are all assisted. This wonderful stone reduces Stress, Centering you and inspiring Intuition, Creativity and Spiritual Solidarity.
Bluestone Preseli  This stone is some 480 Million years old and can Only be found in the Preseli Mountains of Pembrokeshire in Wales. Legend has it that when these 19 Giant pieces, each weighing 4 tons were transported from Wales 200 miles to form the inner circle of Stonehenge, that Merlin used his majik to move the stones through the air and into their final positions. This stone connects us with the distant past, provides a doorway to different Dimensions.
Bronzite tumbled  This stone helps to deflect negative energy, it promotes creativity and flexible thinking. It gently warms the body, helping it to relax, releases emotional tension and aids digestion and absorption of nutrients. Bronzite is a member of the prolific group of rock-forming minerals called Pyroxenes. Bronzite derives its name from its warm, metalic, golden-orange lustre. 
Blue Quartz  This stone combines the balanced clarity of quartz with the cool peacefulness of blue. It Calms agitated states, protects from negative influences and helps us to transmit information effectively. It supports the heart, Lungs, Neck and Throat. Stimulates the Immune System and brings Contentment and a Sense of Hope for the Future. This stone Dislodges deeply entrenched blocks to Good Communication.