Calcite |
This is a very common mineral. It has a soapy feel. Within Majik it links the individual to the natural cycle of continuous change and Transmutation. It enables Effortless flow.
it is soothing, Calming and Cooling to the mind so it is a great crystal to meditate on. |
Carnelian |
Carnelian or Cornelian as it was formally known is a great ' all-round ' healing stone. It gently warms and stabilizing. It is densely coloured and the colour can be enhanced by gentle heat. Majikally it is a populat stone for amulets, rings and seals. it is worn for courage, confidence and protection from harm. Within healing it is used to release stress, enhance creativity & repairs subtle bodies. |
Celestite |
This crystal is also known as Celestine. This mineral is a soft Grey-blue or Sky blue. Majikally it reveals new viewpoints, Uncovers fundamental energies of reality. it encourages communication and expression, helps to lighten our mood, it opens the mind to new ideas. It also encourages silence, inspiration, meditative states and heightened intuition. |
Chalcopyrite |
Found all over europ, chalcopyrite is a common ore of copper. This crystal is found in its massive form, individual crystals are very rare. In Majik it is used to enable us to be flexible during times of change, it fosters an appreciation of all that is unexpected, it also enhances creativity and innovation. Used in healing it: stimulated the nervous system, removes emotional blockages, it can silence unwanted thoughts. This crystal is also a very good grounding stone and it encourages detoxification. |
Charoite |
The essence of charoite is movement and flow to encourage harmony on a deep level. It is highly decorative and is often cut as cabochons, beads & slabs. In majik it helps with understanding and to accept change. This stone brings balance amid turbulence. It soothes tense emotions, calms the nervous system and encourages us to think for ourselves. |
Chlorite |
This crystal ( like some others ) is very soft and should be kept away from other crystals. Within Majik it enables contact with forces of the natural world. Nature spirits and other non-physical beings from this planet and beyond. In healing it gentaly calms overactive areas of the body. |