


Welcome to




The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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Poetry Music of the Soul.

Welcome to the poetry pages, here we will put any poem, provided that it does not contravene the rules ( see Poetry Rules )

If you wish to have a poem published here then we need you to go to the contact Us page and using the admin e-mail address send us your poem. As we will licence the poem so that others can not change it we will need the following sentence from you: " I (your name) confirm that this poem is my own work and no-one elses." date and Initials.

If you wish you can also include some information about your self and even a picture. This information will be printed next to your poem, either at the side or at the bottom.

 Remember you can send a poem in at any time but it will not be printed here until the next update time, (see front page under the moon)

So have fun and read on.                     





Rules & Trems click poster