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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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Place the child on the ground, hands under the head, briefly saying,

Hail Earth, Mother of all,

This is Our / My infant, my Love and my Jewel.

Bless and protect her / him,

Granting your enduring and eternal,

Strength and Steadfastness.

May she / he ever have a Spirit,

That seeks the stars,

And roots deep within,

Thy loving breast.

You should now clasp the child close and look about for a few minutes. Those who are gifted with second sight are often able, at this time to see prophecies for the child or parents.

When finished, give the child back to the parents /put you child in its carrier and go back home. The child will again go through a kind of wiccaning when and if he / she decides to follow the family beliefs, and so chooses her / his majikal name. If you have opened a circle now is the time to close it and end workings for the night. Celebrate and have fun for a new life has chosen to be born to you. 


