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GERANIUM -ROSE. Pelargonium roseum. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. This variety smells of roses. Use as for Geranium. (Also known as Rose Geranium.)

GINGER. Zingiber officinale. Produced from the unpeeled, dried and ground-up roots. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Possibly slightly phototoxic. Use for aches and pains, arthritis, catarrh, chills, colds, cramp, debility, fatigue, fever, infections, loss of appetite, nausea, poor circulation, rheumatism, travel sickness, amenorrhoea, asthma, backache, bronchitis, dog bites, dysentery, dyspepsia, gout, head colds, headache, infection, laryngitis, malaria, morning sickness, nausea, snake bite, swelling. (Also known as Common Ginger, Jamaica Ginger). Used in Angel Therapy to stimulate the Sixth Chakra (third eye) for intuition, clarity of vision, discernment and clairvoyance.

GOLD OF PLEASURE. Camelina sativa. Also called False Flax, Germane Sesame, Winter Rape, Camelina Oil. Edible. Source of a wide range of fatty acids, including Omega 3, and others rarely found in other seed oils. Balanced base carrier oil with both moisturising and lubricating properties. EXTERNAL USE ONLY: Carcinogenic if taken internally. Herbalists have used the oil for bronchitis, and in poultices for sprains, wounds, bruises, cuts, eczema and related skin complaints. This oil has an amazing lubricity which makes it ideal for those products where spread ability is required. A deeply relaxing massage oil.

GOLDEN ROD. Solidago canadensis. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic but possible irritant and with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use for acne, arthritis, broken capillaries, chronic eczema, excessive menstruation, fluid retention, hypertension, inflammation, insect bites, rheumatism, Skin infections, sore muscles, thread veins, uric acid in joints or tissues, varicose veins, wounds. Do not use if pregnant. Do not use with low blood pressure.


