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GRAPEFRUIT. Citrus x paradisi. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. This citrus oil is not phototoxic. Use for acne, cellulitis, congested skin, depression, hair growth, headache, muscle fatigue, obesity, oily skin, skin toner, stiffness, tissue toner, water retention. (Also known as Citrus racemosa, Citrus maxima variety racemosa, Shaddock Oil.) Used in Angel Therapy to stimulate the Fourth Chakra (heart) for compassion and unconditional love, and to give empathy for the tribulations of others.

GRAPESEED. Vitis vinifera. Popular massage oil, odourless, light texture, blend wells with other full-bodied oils. Edible. Non-greasy, excellent for all skin types. Beautiful green colour when fresh, tending to yellow with age. Keep the oil in a cool dark place. May go cloudy when cold.

GUAIACWOOD. Bulnesia sarmienti. One of aromatherapy's well kept secrets for rheumatic problems. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use for arthritis, gout, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis. (Also known as Champaca Wood Oil, Palo Santo.)

HAZELNUT. Corylus avellana. Edible. A light astringent oil ideally suited to aromatherapy and massage with combination, greasy and oily skin. Similar in profile and function to Olive and Sweet Almond Oils.

HELICHRYSUM. Helichrysum angustifolium. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use for abscesses, aches and pains, acne, allergic conditions, asthma, bacterial infection, boils, bronchitis, burns, chronic coughs, colds, cuts, debility, depression, dermatitis, eczema, fever, 'flu, inflammation, lethargy, liver congestion, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, spots, spleen congestion, sprains, strained muscles, stress-related conditions, whooping cough, wounds. (Also known as Everlasting, Immortelle, St John's Herb.) Do not confuse with St John's Wort.


