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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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HEMP SEED. Cannabis sativa. The oil contains from 01% - 06% GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid). Edible. Hemp Oil has been used by herbalists for anorexia, bladder inflammation, colds, corns, coughs, depression, inflammation, weaning, and by Aromatherapists for eczema & related skin complaints. This oil is not the narcotic cannabis, however if one has occasion to attend a prison visit after using this oil the "sniffer" dog will pick you out as a drug user.

HO WOOD. Cinnamomum camphora. Very similar to Rosewood in chemical composition but produced from a renewable resource. The green alternative for the caring person. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use for acne, dermatitis, frigidity, general skin care, headaches, immune system stimulation, infections, nausea, scars, sensitive skin, stress, tension, wounds, wrinkles.

HONEYSUCKLE. Lonicera periclymenum. Has the ability to bring relief to severe emotional disturbance. Rare and expensive. The absolute oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Use for abscesses, apathy, asthma, bronchitis, depression, despondency, detoxifying, dread of effort, fear of the unknown, home sickness, migraine, nostalgia, worry about the past, dysentery, gout, heart disease, infectious diseases, kidney stones, liver congestion, migraine, nerves, stress related conditions.

HOPS. Humulus lupulus. The volatile aromatic ingredient of beer. The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Do not use if subject to depression. Use in moderation for asthma, dermatitis, headaches, insomnia, menstrual cramp, nervous dyspepsia, nervous tension, neuralgia, rashes, rough skin, spasmodic cough, stress, ulcers. (Also known as Common Hop, European Hop, Lupulus.)


