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Jala Basti is one of the more important bastis.

This exercise is simply applying an Enema. For therapeutic reasons a coffee retention enema or a herbal enema maybe used, but for the most part an enema is mostly just pure water. Such an enema may clean more than just the intestines because a feeling of a clear head is not so uncommon.

Enemas are useful for any afflictions caused by Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They strengthen and rejuvenate all organs including the skin.

Neti is a Nasil Wash.

Very useful for this technique is a devise called the neti-pot. With this devise it is very easy for water to be pouring in one side of the nose and pouring out of the other at the same time. After a while the process is reversed.

This technique is useful and may even help in the prevention of the common cold.

Uddiyana and Nauli.

Uddiyana maybe the most important Bandha ( lock ) and should be checked out further under Bandhas. The exercise is done by standing, resting the hands on the upper legs, exhaling, and pulling the belly muscles in and upwards resulting in a cavity. The stomach would then be relaxed and the pulling sensation repeated 10 times, before the next inhalation, this would be one round. This exercise increases the digestive “ fire”, fights diseases and old age, and may trigger the dormant Life-Force, Kundalini up the spine.

Nauli is the isolation of the rectus muscles. It is best to find a teacher or look up a picture exercise on this, as it is very hard to explain in words how this works and how to do it properly.


