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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Protection Ceremony

To Protect an Area


This ceremony has been used by both Deenagh and Myself to protect several areas over the years. Once the protection is in place it should be topped up every couple of years, just to keep it at full strength.


You should ( if area allows ) ideally be wearing your robe to separate you from your normal daily existence. If this is not possible then have a bath with essential oils ( the oils should reflect what you are about to do ) before you move to the area to be protected. Now you should ( ideally ) have had a bath and be dressed in your robes.


The things you will need are: 4 small dolls ( I use the miniature artist dolls with the movable arms, leg etc ) Incenses dealing with protection ( for this ceremony I use Vervain, Wood betony and Lavender ).

The ceremony should take place within six hours of sunset.


Place all that you will use at the east cardinal Point and say the following Incantation:


I call upon the Ancient Ones,

This night to hear my boon.

Said with love, joy and full commitment,

Under this sacred Moon.


I promise to live by the sacred ways,

And follow the path that is truth.

To keep the knowledge safe and secure,

To help and show others the way, all my life through.


Powers of the night, powers of the day,

Come to this sacred space.

Bring the powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water,

Empower me with all knowledge to protect the human race.


By all that is, and all that shall be,

Grant my boon this night.

So I may serve and protect all life,



