Through me, work they majik might
So mote it be, my will sets you free.
Blessed be.
Now take a few minutes to visualise what you’ve just said and feel the energy flowing over, under and all around you as well as the energies entering your body, healing you and making you stronger.
Now Face East & say: In the East feel the breath of life, Inspiration the rushing wind.
Now face South & say: In the South feel the vital dance of fire, the creative outflow of life.
Now face West and say: In the West feel the flowing waters, the depths of the Imagination.
Now face North and say: In the North feel the secrecy of roots & seeds, the Manifestation of life.
Return to face East again and bow deeply saying nothing, saying nothing. This area is now your sacred space.
Now move to the most Northern part of the area to be protected and dig a small hole, place the doll ( or other protection charm that you have chosen ) in the hole saying: By ancient lore I call upon the Ancient Ones, to empower this ( name your area i.e. Field, bedroom, garden etc ) with goodness and to drive away or destroy any Evil Influences about, within, on, above or below ( name of area ). Protect and bless all good otherworldly worldly and Earthly beings ( I.e. birds, animals, within this ( name the area ) be they crawling, walking, flying or swimming, be they of eight legs, six legged, four legs, two legs or no legs. ( Adapt as you see fit ) By all the powers within me, I charge you with this boon, So mote it Be. Blessed be.Perform this again for the three remaining cardinal points and then perform it once more for Spirit ( this will be said from the centre of the area you are working on. ) this now make the nine fold charm. Usually just once around the cardinal points and once in the centre is enough. The charm can be anything as long as they are portable or peaceful ( hence the use of the dolls ).The prayer is a major source of power and you should visualise exactly what you say. The charms are like binding ropes that hold the power in place and act as a boundary to any bad influences trying to enter the area. Once you have finished the protection ceremony, please remember to thank the Ancient Ones for their attendance.
Face East and Say: I (we ) thank you for attending this night, and for all your help. I ( we ) urge ye depart for your lovely realm, Blessed be.
Repeat for South, West & North. After each Blessed Be you should give a bow.
After you have faced North and said your thanks and given a bow you should now face the centre and thank Spirit in the same way as you have done with the cardinal points.
The ceremony is now finished.