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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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You come through the small woodland and onto a smooth sandy beach, just down the beach a little, you see a shimmering in the air and walk towards it. You move around and around it noticing how you can see it clearly from side on only. You move back around so that you are looking at it head on again. You are not afraid as just next to you, you see your Squirrel animal guide smiling at you and encouraging you forward.


            As you put out your hand to touch this shimmering window, your hand passes into it and as you look behind the window there is no sign of your hand. You effortlessly pull your hand back out noticing that there are a few drops of water on it. Next you put just your head through and there is a lovely warm day with a light mist falling.  Again you effortlessly pull your head back out. You sit and think about what you have just discovered  when out of the blue a Golden Retriever dog nudges you from behind. There is no-one else about and the dog feels strangely familiar. Again the dog nudges you and the squirrel jumps on his back calling to you. Both your animal guides just walk with confidence through the window and you now feel secure enough to follow. Once through the window the dog marks its exact place so that you can find it on your return. You realise that this place is even more still and quiet than the area you’d just left. Up ahead is a stone seat, almost like a high backed church chair. You go over and sit upon the chair and immediately you know that you are in the ASC ( altered state of consciousness ) and you are totally at ease with this knowledge. You become surrounded with swirls of mist, it is almost as if it is dancing for you, the patterns rise and fall, twist and twirl, dodge and dive. All the time you are at peace with all that is going on. Suddenly you understand what the dance is telling you, and all becomes clear, the dance subsides and in its place is a figure made out of mist, you give a polite bow and the prince of mists bows back, you climb down from the chair of revelations and walk back to the window, you pass through back into the place you left behind. You notice that time seams to have stood still whilst you were through the window of the Subconscious.You make your way back to and over the bridge and onwards to a place where you hear the steady breathing that is your body. You turn back to face the way you’ve come and see your Animal Guides sitting down and smiling at you, you suddenly know what they are saying, this is your Sacred Space and you can come back any time you wish and when you leave you Will Remember Everything that has happened. They tell you to close your eyes and listen to the breathing sound, now make your breathing match the sound of breathing. Slowly you open your eyes and you are back. Have a cuppa tea & sit quite still for a short while before getting up and writing down your answers.


