On 21st March, the Spring Equinox, day and night are of equal length, dark and light are in balance and harmony, with the light growing stronger. It is a time of both fertility and new life, a time of birth and manifestation. Daffodils, tulips and crocuses are in full bloom, and blossom appears on the trees. This is a time of both growth and balance, a time we may use to balance ourselves and the subtle energies within us, our chakras, the inner male and female aspects of ourselves as well as our light and dark sides.
The Spring Equinox is a time of the return of Spring. It is a joyful time when life bursts forth from our Earth and the constraints of Winter are broken.
At this time of balance and harmony, we celebrate the return of Spring. At this time, seeds may be planted and blessed in ceremonies of fertility and growth. Seeds too of wisdom, understanding and majikal skills may also be planted.
Eggs are particularly associated with this Sabbat, which are symbols of rebirth - the yellow represents the Sun and the white represents the Goddesss and the union of both. |