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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Welcome to the Wicca information pages.

The Views and Expressions written here are Entirely our Own

Any Connection found or Intimated to Anyone else's

Writings are Purely Coincidental

Wicca is described as the religion of Witchcraft. Witchcraft is described as causing change by the Use of Ones Own Will.

A Person who studies Wicca is called a Witch, a Witch can be Female or Male, both are needed to keep the Balance.

In the Reader's Digest Universal Dictionary 1994, a Witch is described as:

  • 1} A person who practises Majik & Sorcery or is Believed to have Dealings with the Devil.
  • 2} An Ugly or Vicous Old Woman; A Hag. Witchcraft 1, the Practices of a Witch; Black Majik; Sorcery.

I really don't like these definitions, There are actually several things that are wrong with these Definitions:

  1. A Witch does NOT have dealings with the Devil as within the belief there is NO Such thing as the Devil.
  2. There is NO such thing as " Black Majik "  as Majik in its self is neither WHITE nor BLACK it just is. It is PEOPLE that take majik to either a Bright Place or a Dark Place, it is the PERSON who is either Good or Bad NOT MAJIK.


