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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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          3,      All the witches that I have ever met have been nice looking Ordinary People whom; Unless they told you: you  would NEVER KNOW that they practiced Witchcraft or " The Craft " as most call it.

         4,       The Craft is about the worship of Nature and the Deities within that help us to connect with Nature { The Mother, The Great Mother; amongst other names } and to Love & Respect & Protect all within her realm.

Do What Ye Will And Harm Ye None is ONE of the Most IMPORTANT rules within the Wiccan Community. It means that you can use majik to do what you want as long as No-One gets hurt, either Physically, Spiritually or Mentally. This is one of the reasons why Spell Work has to be VERY Precise.


Wicca teaches Tolerance towards other peoples belief systems and ways of Life. Anyone thinking that the Craft is all about Casting Spells; Taking all your Clothes off and having a Mass Orgy, WILL BE VERY DISAPPOINTED.

In The Beginning:

I am NOT going to go into the History of Witches / Witchcraft or the Witch Hunts as these are well documented enough in the History Books; Suffice to say Many Innocent Women & Men were burnt at the stake,  Disembowelled, Hung e.c.t. the history is much, much more than any one period in time. In every country, on every continent, there has been " Wizen Women & Cunning Men, people who knew the secrecy of roots & herbs, who knew that by combining X with Y, you get result Z. These Women & Men ( whom some refer to as Cunning Men, Wizards or Warlocks, although in general these are just names for male witches


