The Autumn Equinox
Mabon or Modron runs from Midnight September 20th to Midnight September 21st
The Equinox's are a time of Balance, a time to rest & relax after the years toil. The Autumn Equinox is also known as the Second Harvest Festival. It is time to celebrate the Earths bounty and to put into storage the Berries and Fruits to keep for the long cold winternights ahead.
This is again a time of balance between the hours of Light & Darkness. It is the time when Light starts to give way to the growing darkness and the nights become longer & darker. This is now the the time of the Vine in Celtic Tree Lore.
The God, who was lord of the Green Wood in Summer, The Corn King at Lughnasadh, now dances his very last dance as Dionysus, the God of Wine, Music & Dance. Soon he will descend into the Underworld and take up his mantle as The Dread Lord of Shadows. Both the Sun King ( his power waning and the Dread Lord his power growing Co-Exist in Perfect Balance on this day ). the Horned Gods journey into the underworld, deep into the Womb of The Great Mother, where he will rest until he re-emerges the the new green shoots of spring.
The completion of the harvest is what the Autumn Equinox marks, a time of giving thanks with an emphasis on the future return of abundant times.