The Themes of the Autumn Equinox are therefore:
Completion of the Harvest, The Balance of Light & Dark, Male & Female & the acknowledgement of the Waning power of the Sun and the waxing power of the Dark Lord.
The Eleusinian Mysteries took place at this time of year, during which Initiates were said to have beed shown a single Ear of Grain with the words " In Silence is the seed of Wisdom Gained ".
Symbols of Mabon { Modron } Wine, Gourds, Acorns, Grains, Pine Cones, Apples, Corn, Dried Seeda & Horns of Plenty.
Herbs of Mabon: Acorn, Benzoin, Ferns, grains, Marigold, Milkweed, Honeysuckle, Myrrh, Passion Flower, Sage & Rose. Soloman's Seal, Tobacco, Vegetables & Thistle.
Foods of Mabon: Breads, Apples, Nuts, Pomegranates & Vegetables such as Carrots, Onions & Potatoes.
Incense & Colours of Mabon: Autumn blend of benzoin, Myrrh & sage. Reds, Oranges, Maroons, Russets, Browns & Golds.