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Welcome to Creating a Basic Majik Circle.

Below I will go through step by step how to create a majik circle for those who may not know how to do this.

Be Mindful that during ANY ritual you have to remain Focused on what your Intention is, This is exactly the same. Your Intention is to create a sacred space to work in.

Ok, we use a circle to do majikal work as the circle represents the Begining of a cycle AND the End of a cycle, it also represents a scaled down version of the Universe - the Micro-verse. It also acts as a Barrier to keep Negativity out from the area you are working in..

A typical circle should be large enougth to hold you and all your tools comfortably ( I make mine on average about 6 feet in diameter ) .Now you are going to walk the circle, this is where you define your working cicle.

Take your Athame ( see tools ) in your right hand and open your arms in a gesture of welcome. Point the tip of the Athame down to where your circle will start and walk clockwise or Deiseal ( pronounced Jess - el. The Irish way of spelling. Deosil is the english way of spelling. ) saying:

" In this place, this circle round, I consecrate the sacred ground. With golden light this space surround, All power here contained and bound. Welcome Ancient Ones and see, This place is Bound So Mote it Be ".

You should now be back at the start. The circle is now defined we need to actually Open it.


