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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Now inside the circle Face East and Say:

" I call upon the Lords of the Watchtower of the East, Of Inspiration , the rushing wind, the breath of life.

I do summon, call, stir you up, To guard my circle and witness my rite, Blessed Be ". Light the Incense stick.

Face South and say:

" I call upon the Lords of the Watchtower of the South, Of the vital dance of fire, the creative outflow of life

do summon, call, stir you up, To guard my circle and witness my rite, Blessed Be ". Light the Candle.

Face West and say:

" I call upon the Lords of the watchtower of the West, Of flowing waters, the depths of Imagination.

do summon, call, stir you up, To guard my circle and witness my rite, ( Hold up a small bow or shell of water in a gesture of welcome and say ) Blessed Be.

Face North and say:

I call upon the Lords of the watchtower of the North, Of the secrecy of Roots and seeds, the manifestation of Life.

do summon, call, stir you up, To guard my circle and witness my rite, ( hold up some Earth or light a green candle

Or hold up as an offering the earth Crystal and say )

As Above, and So Below, this circle is Sealed So Mote it Be.....Blessed Be ".



