Now you can begin to do any majikal workings that you have planed.
Now at times ( either because you have forgotten something or someone needs to enter your circle ) you may have to leave the circle by use of a door. To do this you again face East and laying your Athame on the floor at the edge of the circle length ways with the point facing Deiseal ( Clockwise ) Say :
"Let this Athame be, The door marker between you and me, And as I raise it let there now show, An open doorway where to go, So mote it be ".
As you say the above, raise the Athame to head height, still keeping it laying flat, from the space created by the raised Athame this is your door, once you have left the circle through the door you must lower the Athame thus closing the door behind you. Now once you return to the circle and have let yourself and anyone else into the circle you close the door behind them saying :
" Now let the circle know, The door is closed, no-where to go, And when Athame touches the ground, The circle is closed, no door to be found. So Mote it Be ".
Now when all the work has been done it is time to banish the circle.
Face East and again with hands open wide in a welcome gesture with the Athame in your right hand say:
" Thank you Lords of the watchtower of the East for your presence here, I now urge you to depart in Love and Peace to your own beautiful realm. I say Hail and farewell, Hail and Farewell, Hail and Farewell ".
On the final Hail and Farewell put out the incense and say " Blessed Be ".