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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Be mindful that this is a time of Closure, so say to those departed all you need to say or ask to bring about Closure.

Read allowed the names of Ancestors, Kith, Kinn and any animals ( who have gone before ) tapping the Alter with your Wand or Athame after each name is read.

I. E " I call upon { Name }

To hear my Blessing and

Accept my Honour paid unto you."

After the last line Tap the Alter with your wand or Athame saying:

" ( Name ) I bless and honour you with all he Love I have to give, Thank You for your counsel throughout the year. Now go in peace ( if that is your wish ) and love and enjoy the rest of this Sacred Time of Samhain ".

Now repeat for every person and / or animal that you wish to honour.

Once you have finished it is time to close the circle. Face each of the quarters in turn and say:

" Ye Lords of the watchtower of the ( East, South, West or North ). I thank you for attending my rite and ask that you return to your lovely Realm, if you so wish, Taking with you all my Love and Blessings.

So Mote it be.



