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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Deenagh's Majikal Garden

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Other Names:    Hallowmas, All Hallows Eve, Halloween, Samhuinn.

Date: ( Modern )31st October ( Traditional ) 1st or 2nd November.

Meaning of the Word: Celtic meaning Summers End.

Main Focus: Transformation, Regeneration, Honouring the Dead,Harvest, Divination, Preparing for the Winter.

Age of Holiday: The 2nd oldest Holiday in the World, approximately 6000 years old.

Mythos: Festival of the Dark Goddess, Ceridwen’s Cauldron of Transformation, feed the Morrigan.

Astrological Sign: 15 degrees Scorpio.

Planetary Ruler: ( Modern ) Pluto & ( Traditional ) Mars .

Remember to set an extra dinner when you have your meal to honour & Feed those who have gone before you. If you have honoured a passed pet, set a dish of food where you used to place their food dish. Put some Apples on the grass verge outside your home, or in a local field. This is to feed those spirits that have no living relatives to honour them.



