Essential Oils
Essential oils are for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and they should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as
Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep them away from children and pets, do not put in eyes or ears, and
avoid polished surfaces. Natural Carrier Oils can be used straight from the bottle. The qualities given here are for the unrefined oils - not for the refined kind that are on sale in supermarkets for use as cooking oils.
AJOWAN. Trachyspermum copticum. TOXIC. The essential oil is not recommended for use in Aromatherapy. (Also known as Ajuan, Omum, Ammi copticum, Carum ajowan, Carum copticum, Ptychotis ajowan, Trachyspermum ammi.)
ALLSPICE. Pimenta dioica. - The essential oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with a suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic but it is an irritant so use it in moderation. Aromatherapists use it for arthritis, bronchitis, chills, cough, colds, depression, digestion, fatigue, flatulence, indigestion, muscle cramp, nausea, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, rheumatism, stiffness, stress and tension. Allspice is considered superior to Black Pepper for arthritic complaints. (Also known as Jamaica Pepper, Pimenta officinalis, Pimenta and Pimento.)
ALMOND - SWEET. Prunus amygdalus variety dulcis. A cold pressed edible oil rich in vitamin D and vitamin E, trace minerals and Linoleic Acid. A favourite massage oil with Aromatherapists. A light oil which is easily absorbed by the skin. Scentless, good for all skin types, helps alleviate the itching of eczema, rough skin and swellings.
ALMOND - BITTER. Prunus amygdalus variety amara. TOXIC The essential oil is not recommended for use in Aromatherapy. (Also known as Amygdalus dulcis, Amygdalus communis variety amara, Prunus dulcis variety amara, Prunus communis.)